The world should see this eye-opening video.

With funding from CFPN, Peace Now has created a video that tells the personal stories of Palestinian residents facing home evictions in Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan because of settler actions. Entitled “We only have a small question,” the video is done in a question-and-answer format, playing off the theme of a popular Israeli quiz show. Palestinians old and young speak of their feelings and experiences resulting from the eviction saga. Though brief (just over 12 minutes) and simple, the video packs a punch.

Some of the questions are unflinchingly candid. For example: “Do you pay taxes?” “Why don’t you move somewhere else?” and “Do you hate Jews?”

The answers will both move and surprise you.

The video premiered at a Peace Now conference on July 30 and is part of a campaign to raise awareness about the thousands of residents in East Jerusalem fighting to keep their homes.

CFPN is proud to have been the sponsors of the conference and video. We were able to do so because of our many generous donors. Thank you for all that you do. Please keep up the support. Together we can demonstrate that we stand for justice in East Jerusalem, for an end to occupation and for a two-state solution that brings peace to both Israelis and Palestinians